Tk::NumEntry 2.07 review

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Tk::NumEntry is a numeric Entry widget with inc

License: Perl Artistic License
File size: 24K
Developer: Slaven Rezic
0 stars award from

Tk::NumEntry is a numeric Entry widget with inc. & dec. Buttons.


use Tk::NumEntry;
$parent->NumEntry(?-option=>value, ...?);

Tk::NumEntry defines a widget for entering integer numbers. The widget also contains buttons for increment and decrement.

Tk::NumEntry supports all the options and methods that the plain NumEntry widget provides (see Tk::NumEntryPlain), plus the following options


Besides the standard options of the Entry widget NumEntry supports:

-orient -repeatdelay -repeatinterval

The -orient option specifies the packing order of the increment and decrement buttons. This option can only be set at creation time.


Name: buttons
Class: Buttons
Switch: -buttons
Fallback: 1
Boolean that defines if the inc and dec buttons are visible.
Switch: -readonly
Fallback: 0
If -readonly is set to a true value, then the value can only be changed by pressing the increment/decrement buttons. This option can only be set at creation time.

Tk::NumEntry 2.07 keywords