Volleyball 0.8.5 review

by rbytes.net on

Volleyball project is a simple sports game, starring two penguins

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 312K
Developer: Hugo Ruscitti, Gabriel Valentin, Walter Velazquez
0 stars award from rbytes.net

Volleyball project is a simple sports game, starring two penguins. Is a two player game, and follows the basic rules of actual Volleyball.

Each player hits the ball, trying to reach the opponents field. If the ball touches the floor of the opponents field, the player scores one point.


What's New in This Release:
new collision rutines
new score bar with animation
new option menu
add About scene
fix key repeat in Select scene
new cursor animation in Select scene
change backgrounds images
add `-d` command for debug
add ball module
add Main_menu scene
add module Font
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