wbar 1.0 review

by rbytes.net on

wbar is a quick launch bar recommended for fluxbox or Window Maker

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 181K
Developer: Rodolfo Granata
0 stars award from rbytes.net

wbar is a quick launch bar recommended for fluxbox or Window Maker. wbars goal is speed.

This is eye candy developed in C++. The motivation is eye-candy which runs as fast as possible but still it probably made faster.

Tested succesfully on Fluxbox, WindowMaker.

Can be tweaked for other window managers but those who usualy use a desktop application such as nautilus will obscure Warbar because it runs with override-redirection so the window manager doesn't do the decorations and stays at the bottom of root window.


* Needs imlib2

# make
create initial config for user (should make config with each user)
# make config
as root (if you dont have a bin directory at home)
# make install

warbar --help

What's New in This Release:
This release can run on top of desktop apps such as nautilus, xfdesktop, etc.
Installation is more out of the box.
There is a new -fa option to set filter alpha value.
Options may be specified with one dash only.

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