WmConsole 0.17 review

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WmConsole is a console server for Windows Mobile devices which listen over BlueTooth RFCOMM channels. WmConsole allows the user to

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 242K
Developer: Davide Libenzi
0 stars award from rbytes.net

WmConsole is a console server for Windows Mobile devices which listen over BlueTooth RFCOMM channels.

WmConsole allows the user to interact with the device using a commandline interface from a Linux or Windows workstation. You need the QTTY Linux/Windows client to access a WmConsole server.

Commands List

pwd = Prints the current directory
cd DIR = Change current directory to DIR (.. is allowed)
ls [DIR/FILE] = Lists the current directory or the specified path
ps = Lists currently running processes
lsmod [MATCH] = Lists modules loaded by processes whose name match MATCH
wld MATCH = Lists all processes that load modules matching MATCH
kill PID = Terminates the process identified by PID
run EXE ... = Starts the exe with the specified parameters
exec EXE ... = Starts the exe with the specified parameters and links to
the process standard output/input
df [DIR] = Prints the disk space statistics for DIR (or object store
in case DIR is not specified
mem = Displays memory usage statistics
lssvc = Lists device services
svc -{S,T} SVC = Controls services functionality. Supported actions are:
S : Start service SVC
T : Stop service SVC
lsdev = Lists system devices
mkdir [-p] DIR = Create directory DIR. Allowed flags for the command are:
p : Create all the intermediate directories, if missing
rmdir DIR = Remove directory DIR (must be empty)
rm FILE = Remove file FILE
mv OLD NEW = Renames files or directories from OLD to NEW
cp SRC DST = Copy SRC file onto DST file. If SRC is a directory, the whole
SRC tree will be copied
rmtree DIR = Remove directory DIR and all its subtree (dangerous)
chmod MODE FILE = Change the access mode of FILE applying MODE changes
([+-][hws]+ | h=hidden w=write s=system)
exit = Exit session
shutdown = Exit session and shutdown the WmConsole server
reboot = Exit session and reboot the device
cat FILE = Dump the content of remote file FILE on screen
find [-1s] PATH MATCH = Recursively searches PATH for MATCH file or directory name
(wildcards allowed in MATCH). Allowed flags for the command are:
1 : Do not recurse inside subdirectories
s : Print only the file path
put [-Rf] REM LOC = Copies the local file(s) LOC to the remote file/path (on device) REM.
Wildcards allowed in LOC. Allowed flags for the command are:
R : Recurse to subdirectories
f : Forces the missing subdirectories creation on the device
get [-R] REM LOC = Copies the remote file(s) (on device) REM to local file/path LOC.
Wildcards allowed in REM. Allowed flags for the command are:
R : Recurse to subdirectories
rpwd = Prints the current registry key
rcd KEY = Change current registry key to KEY (.. is allowed)
rls [KEY/RVAL] = Lists the current registry key or the specified KEY
rcat RVAL = Dump the content of registry path RVAL on screen
rfind KEY MATCH = Recursively searches KEY path for MATCH value or key name
rrm RVAL = Remove the registry value RVAL
rrmtree KEY = Remove the registry key KEY and all its subtree (dangerous)
rmkkey KEY = Creates the registry key KEY
rset RVAL TYPE VALUE = Sets the registry value RVAL to VALUE, with data type TYPE.
Allowed data types for the command are:
SZ : String value
DW : DWord value
BI : Binary value (VALUE is a sequence of 2 hexdigit numbers,
comma separated, like: 03,c2,fa,...)
rdig [-i] KEY TYPE DATA = Recursively searches the KEY registry path for DATA bytes. Allowed
data types for the command are:
SZ : String value
DW : DWord value
BI : Binary value (VALUE is a sequence of 2 hexdigit numbers,
comma separated, like: 03,c2,fa,...)
The DATA parameter format depends on the TYPE. Allowed
flags for the command are:
i : Ignore case during string match
rexp [-R] KEY/RVAL FILE = Exports the registry value RVAL or key KEY, to the file path FILE.
Allowed flags for the command are:
R : In case a registry key KEY is specified, exports the whole subtree
rimp FILE = Imports the registry file FILE into the device registry. New keys
will be created if missing, and existing values will be overwritten
help = Prints this help screen

WmConsole 0.17 keywords