XJS Desktop 1.4.0 review
DownloadXJS Desktop is Xml Journal System. Here are some key features of "XJS Desktop": General · Offline based diary/journal, not ba
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XJS Desktop is Xml Journal System.
Here are some key features of "XJS Desktop":
Offline based diary/journal, not based online like a blog
Access your journal from most operating systems (Windows, Linux, Mac, etc.)
View journal-wide statistics, like average time spent editing entries and average words per entry
Optionally add password protection
Content marked as secure in a password protected journal will be encrypted
Uses same encryption used to protect U.S. classified documents
You can always remove/add security and change passwords at any time
Bullet Import/Export
Included plugin, XJS Mover, gives this functionality
Import from
RSS/Atom XML feeds
Movable Type format
LiveJournal XML
Web-log.nl XML
XJS (entire journals or individual entries)
Export to
RSS/Atom XML feeds
Movable Type format
XJS Blog
Options to group entries by date, category, input type, etc.
Include RSS 2.0 and/or Atom 1.0 feeds (entire journal feeds and individual category feeds)
Saved offline on your computer
Style using the many included styles or add your own
Automatically upload to the internet if you have web space
Zip and email it to only those you wish to have it
More than one way to input information
Each method here is actually an included plugin
Strum Studios and third-party developers can add totally new methods of inputing information into your journal to the below list
Word-like Visual Html
Visually format the entry, using images, rich text, etc.
Insert attachments into the body as images, video, audio, and links
Spell checking
Voice recording
Record your voice, a song you are recording, etc.
Add text alongside the audio to describe it
Used to find it later through searching and description in XJS Blog
Video recording
Record yourself, other people, etc. visually into your journal
Add text alongside the video to describe it
Used to find it later through searching and description in XJS Blog
Handwrite an entry, create art, etc.
Each entry can have multiple ink pages
Import from Microsoft Journal
Create diagrams and flowcharts
Scan To Journal
Archive important document and photos
Move a physical journal into the digital world easily
Each entry can have multiple scanned images, allowing for multi-page entries
Plain text
Very plain and easy, includes spell checking
Attachments done right
Attachments are saved in a repository in the journal
Mulitple entries can use the same attachments, they just reference it
Attachments know what entries and pages reference them
Each attachment saves a list of what entries/pages are using it
If you try to delete an attachment that you thought wasn't being used anywhere else, you are warned that other entries/pages are using it
You can view what entries/pages are using it
You can force the connections to be removed and the attachment to be deleted
Manage attachments easily
Navigate through the attachments in the Attachments Manager
View what entries and pages use each attachment
Safely delete attachments
You are asked to confirm deletion on attachments that are still referenced by entries and pages
Add attachments anywhere, no need to attach them to entries or pages
Import files from outside the journal
Import images from the clipboard
Navigate and search
Organize entries in a tree based on date, category, whether they have attachments or not, whether they are protected or not, the type of input methed used, etc.
Use a calendar to select dates
Pages are sorted by category in a tree
Use basic or advanced searching to broaden or reduce the search results
Search in the subject, category, extra fields, body, or all or the entries, pages or both
Include a list of keywords
include a list of words that should all be found, a list of words where none should be found and/or an exact phrase
limit search between certain dates
only search from the previous search results
Entries and Pages
Entries are dated
Main way to create entries
Pages are not dated
Special pages, like resumes, biographies, photo albums, etc. that are not linked to a date
Assign a category to group similiar entries and pages
Use extra fields
Included plugin XJS Mood adds the mood field to entries
Strum Studios and third-party developers can add more fields
The "field" has total control over what it does and how it does it
View the properties of the entry or page
Total editing time, words, etc.
Program settings allow you to set a default journal and have it load automatically when XJS starts
Journal settings go along with your journal
Have a certain sidepane visible when you load your journal
Set whether you would like to see the entries from a tree structure or a calendar view by default from the entries sidepane
Automatically generate RSS/Atom feeds for use on your computer
For example, you can subscribe to them from other programs
Change the interface language
Keep other personal information near your journal
Anything saved here (contact, event, etc.) can be secured if journal is password protected
Alarms (always optional) can display a reminder or open/play/execute any file
Contacts (Manage your connections)
General (Name, birthday, relation, etc.)
Communications (Add as many phone numbers, email, etc. as you want)
Addresses (Add as many home, work, etc. addresses as you want)
Pictures (Add as many pictures as you want, new or already-attached pictures)
Events (Mark future events and get reminders)
Mark single or recurring events and set an optional alarm to be reminded of it
To Do (Don't forget to do your chores!)
Set a due date and an optional alarm to notify you to complete the task
Catalog (Keep track of anything like recipes, physical media collections, etc.)
Create data containers that have user-defined fields for items
Containers can contain more containers, giving you a easy sorting structure
Add news easily into your journal
Quick FAQ: What is a feed? A feed is a method of websites being able to provide news items for programs like XJS to read and give you the news!
Many included feeds already available (world news, tech news, sports, oddities like a quote-a-day, etc.)
Add content directly from the included feed browser into your entries! Archive information with just a click! (Any images, sounds, etc. in the article will be downloaded to your computer and automatically attached to your entry so you don't need to access the internet to get them and you don't have to worry about losing them)
Easily manage RSS and Atom feeds (including podcasting and any other RSS/Atom compatible format); add them, categorize them, remove them, whatever you want!
Plug-In Support
Strum Studios and/or third-party developers can extend
the way you input information into your journal
entries to include new advanced fields
your journal as a whole
Plugins can add new sidepanes and toolbar button
Mono 1.1.9
XJS Desktop 1.4.0 search tags