XML::Parser::YahooRESTGeocode 0.1 review
DownloadSYNOPPSIS use LWP::Simple use XML::Parser; use XML::Parser::YahooRESTGeocode; #connec
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use LWP::Simple
use XML::Parser;
use XML::Parser::YahooRESTGeocode;
#connect to yahoo geocode service
my $url = 'http://api.local.yahoo.com/MapsService/V1/geocode';
my $get = 'appid=YahooDemo&street=701+First+Street&city=Sunnyvale&state=CA';
#call yahoo geocode service
my $xml = get $url . "?" . $get;
#construct use XML::Parser with YahooRESTGeocode subclass
my $parser = new XML::Parser(Style => 'YahooRESTGeocode');
my $data = $parser->parse($xml) || do {
die ("parse failed: $XML::Parser::errstr, $!n");
#use the data for something
my $cnt = 0;
foreach my $result (@{$data->{'Result'}}){
$cnt ++;
print "n---- RESULT #" . $cnt . " ----n";
foreach my $field (keys %{$result}){
print "t[" . $field . "]: " . $result->{$field} . "n";
works for geocode only
this module only knows how to handle Yahoo!'s REST responses from the geocode API
known fields
this module will need to be modified if more fields are added to the node, namely, their names will need to be added to the %node_tree hash at the top of the module
this was a quick hack
hey, maybe there's a better module for parsing REST query responses out there? This module was written as a quick hack, not as a one stop solution. If you want to add improvements or what have you, then please feel free to hack away on this 'till you're blue in the face. Send me the changes though, so I can put 'em in the distribution.
'make test' dosen't really test anything
well ... it's a quick hack. part of writing a quick hack is not writing proper test cases and skimping on documentation, speaking of ... why am I still writing ???
thanks to Yahoo!
Hey, Yahoo! Thanks for your geocode API, it's pretty sweet!
XML::Parser::YahooRESTGeocode 0.1 search tags