XSDBench 1.0.0 review
DownloadXSDBench project is a W3C XML Schema benchmark that compares the performance of validating XML parsers
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XSDBench project is a W3C XML Schema benchmark that compares the performance of validating XML parsers. The following parsers are supported in the latest version:
Apache Xerces-C++ (C++)
CodeSynthesis XSD (C++)
Gnome Libxml2 (C)1
Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) (C/C++)
Oracle XDK (C/C++)
Libxml2 is currently disqualified since it cannot handle the benchmark schemas. The benchmark measures validation throughput, statically-linked test executable size, and, where possible, peak heap and stack memory usage during parsing.
What's New in This Release:
Results for the following platforms and compilers are available: GNU/Linux on AMD Opteron 244 with GCC 4.1.2, Windows on Intel Pentium 3 with VC++ 7.1, GNU/Linux on Intel Pentium 3 with Intel C/C++ 9.1, GNU/Linux on IBM PowerPC 970MP with IBM XML C/C++ 8.0.
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