XTM::AsTMa 0.37 review

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XTM::AsTMa is a Topic Map Parsing of AsTMa instances. SYNOPSIS # reading a topic map description from a file/url $atm = ne

License: Perl Artistic License
File size: 147K
Developer: Robert Barta
0 stars award from rbytes.net

XTM::AsTMa is a Topic Map Parsing of AsTMa instances.


# reading a topic map description from a file/url
$atm = new XTM::AsTMa (file => 'mymap.atm');
$tm = $atm->sync_in();

This package provides parsing functionality for AsTMA instances as described in the package documentation (doc directory) or at


Currently, only AsTMa= is supported, with the following constraints/additions:

no macro support

This feature was experimental and is now deprecated.

following directives are supported:


Cancels the parse process on this very line and ignores the rest of the AsTMa instance. Useful for debugging faulty maps. There is an appropriate line written to STDERR.

%log [ message ]

Writes a line to STDERR reporting the line number and an optional message. Useful for debugging.

%name [ name ]

Adds a name attribute to the topic map.

%encoding [ encoding ]

Specifies which encoding to use to interpret the following text. This implies that this directive may appear several times to change the encoding. Whether this is a good idea in terms of information management, is a different question.

Note: It is still not allowed to use several name : encoding clauses.

Note: If no encoding is provided, utf8 is assumed.

%auto_complete [ on/off ]

Turns on/off auto completion.

Note: topics which have been mentioned in a 'is-reified-by' clause will be always generated.

A directive can be inserted anywhere in the document but must be at the start of a line.


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