XtMix 0.4 review

by rbytes.net on

XtMix is a mixer program that is KDE aware, supports session management, and is simple to use

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 20K
Developer: Martin Denn
0 stars award from rbytes.net

XtMix is a mixer program that is KDE aware, supports session management, and is simple to use. The current version is 0.4 which can be improved.

Here are some key features of "XtMix":
XtMix detects a running KDE and uses its color settings. It even responds to color change requests. And all this whithout being a KDE application, it also works if you have no KDE installed.

XtMix optionally provides a launcher window containing a small main volume control. Works great with FvwmButtons (aka GoodStuff). Fvwm users will love it!

XtMix supports session management, preserving mixer values and geometry settings from one session to the next (only if a session manager is running, of course).

XtMix can be supplied with a mixer device, making it possible to control other devices than /dev/mixer. Useful if you have multiple sound boards.

XtMix has an option to eliminate the bass/treble controls. These are often detected, but do not work (e.g. on SB16 Vibra boards).

In addition, XtMix is quite simple to use and uses only little space on your desk

XtMix 0.4 keywords