xxdiff 3.2 review

by rbytes.net on

xxdiff project is a graphical browser for viewing the differences between two or three files, or between two directories, and can be

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Martin Blais
0 stars award from rbytes.net

xxdiff project is a graphical browser for viewing the differences between two or three files, or between two directories, and can be used to produce a merged version.

Here are some key features of "xxdiff":
Comparing two files, three files, or two directories (shallow and recursive);
Horizontal diffs highlighting;
Files can be merged interactively and resulting output visualized and saved;
Has features to assist in performing merge reviews/policing;
Can unmerge CVS conflicts in automatically merged file and display them as two files, to help resolve conflicts;
Uses external diff program to compute differences: works with GNU diff, SGI diff and ClearCase's cleardiff, and any other diff whose output is similar to those;
Fully customizable with a resource file;
Look-and-feel similar to Rudy Wortel's/SGI xdiff, it is desktop agnostic (i.e. will work equally well with KDE or Gnome);
Features and output that ease integration with scripts.

Qt-3.2 or higher
a C++ compiler, flex and yacc

What's New in This Release:
This release implements a Python package that contains code to support writing scripts around xxdiff.
All the xxdiff-* scripts have been integrated in this Python package and renamed for convenience.
A warning is now issued in decision making when accepting or rejecting, if incompatible selections have been made.
The build system has been converted from tmake to qmake.

xxdiff 3.2 keywords