YAMN 0.3 review
DownloadYamn is a simple mail notifier for a Maildir-format which is used e.g
Yamn is a simple mail notifier for a Maildir-format which is used e.g. with the MTA qmail.
This program allows you to be notified when you have new mail by playing sounds.
The intention is that you
1. configure this script to meet your requirtements
(see section PERSONALISATION in the script for details)
2. create two icons on your desktop with
"YAMN on" -> execute "yamn.sh"
"YAMN off" -> execute "yamn.sh stop"
(please see the documentation of your GUI for details)
3. Klick on "YAMN on" to enable mail notifying and "YAMN off" to disable it.
Whenever there's a problem, you'll hear the (hopefully correct defined) error-soundfile.
In this case, please enter the corresponding command in a shell to see the detailed error-message.
Note that new mail is detected using the number of mails in your inbox-folder. So when e.g. you delete 2 mails from there and get 1 or 2 new mails within a check period of yamn.sh, it can NOT recognise new mail. This can be fixed in future release with recognising the time of the newest file.
In between, choose a small check period as a "workaround"!
Please email me suggestions for improvements and errors! I am still learning how to write good shell-scripts *g*.
YAMN 0.3 keywords