yavipin-conf 0.0.1 review

by rbytes.net on

This utility is meant to ease the configuration of yavipin on both clients and servers

License: LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License)
File size: 3K
Developer: Hisham Mardam Bey
0 stars award from rbytes.net

This utility is meant to ease the configuration of yavipin on both clients and servers. It foll.ows the same configuration scheme as vtun, so people migrating from vtun will not find any difficulties writing up yavipin confs.

Yavipind is a secure tunnel aka 2 peers securely forwarding packets toward each other. It forwards any kind of packet (IPv4, IPv6 or other) sent over the virtual point-to-point device (e.g. tun0). It fully runs in linux userspace.

yavipin-conf 0.0.1 keywords