absence 1.8.1 review
Downloadabsence is a calendar tool written in Perl for keeping track of people (but could be adapted for any other object) on a daily basis
absence is a calendar tool written in Perl for keeping track of people (but could be adapted for any other object) on a daily basis.
It is meant to replace that ubiquitous whiteboard in the office of the boss.
You know the one, where someone has used a permanent magic marker to mark a matrix, and vacations/training/etc. are marked with non-permanent markers as blocks.
absence is a CGI system, and has a resolution of one day.
It is not intended to be used for keeping appointments or any other activity that requires a finer resolution.
It generates an image for each month to be displayed using the GD library, and it can be configured to produce PNG or GIF (or even JPEG).
Module 'GD'
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