BORG Calendar and Task Tracker 1.5.2 review
DownloadBORG is a combination calendar and task tracking system
BORG is a combination calendar and task tracking system. The calendar supports simple todo's. The Task Tracker goes way beyond todo's.
BORG is basically meant to be a small self-contained Java application that you can run locally. Many users run BORG Calendar and Task Tracker from a thumb drive.
BORG actually stands for Berger-Organizer. Unfortunately, the name BORG seems to be a popular choice for software products, probably due to the number of Star Trek fans that write code. The fact that BORG calendar also seems to refer to the Microsoft Outlook calendar makes things even more confusing. Oh well....
Why would anyone want to use a home-grown calendar/task tracker when there are so many others out there, freeware and otherwise?
A potential BORG user might agree with the following:
I use a calendar/task tracker to remind me to do everything in life that I have to do.
I do not want to set up a web server just to see my calendar
I do not want to access the internet to see my calendar
I work on Linux, Windows and other OS's and would like any of my machines to run my calendar program
I don't want to have to worry about my calendar not working if I upgrade linux, windows, glibc, mySQL, apache, < fill in any third-party software that causes things to stop working >, etc...
I like open source software. Even if the developer(s) die, I can still build and enhance my calendar program.
Here are some key features of "BORG Calendar and Task Tracker":
Nice Month-at-a-time view
To-Do list
Repeating Appointments
Private Appointments that do not show by default (for recording things like "rectal exam 2pm" that you don't need your friends/coworkers to see over your shoulder).
The Task Tracker tracks issues and tasks through a set of states with start and end dates, sub-tasks, descriptions, and resolutions.
Pop-up reminders
Email reminders
User tunable task types and state transitions in the task tracker
Week and Day Views
A simple address book
File-based DB or MySQL DB
XML import/export
iCal import/export
more ...
J2SE runtime 1.4.x or 5.0
What's New in This Release:
HSQLDB Standalone Database Support
Allow navigation and access to the appt editor from day and week views
Add main menubar to day and week views
Add full appt text on mouse-over to day and week views
Add half-hourly reminder popups for the day's untimed todos
Make fonts in printouts, day, and week view tunable
Make the popup reminder times tunable
Add option to shutoff system tray
Upgrade iCal libraries
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