CGI++ 0.8 review
DownloadCGI++ is a C++ macro pre-processor that facilitates development of CGI/Database applications in C++
CGI++ is a C++ macro pre-processor that facilitates development of CGI/Database applications in C++. It will also process your HTML and generate form parsing classes with appropriate constructors.
Many desirable features are yet to be implemented, but you can use what is already available to speed up your C++ CGI/Database development by quite a bit. Feel free to send feature requests or bug reports.
If you would like to contribute to the CGI++ project, your efforts will be appreciated. The areas where I need most help are documentation and testing, especially documentation. I hate writing it, because I'd rather be writing code but it needs to be done.
You will need a C++ compiler with STL support to build and use CGI++. A clean compile is guaranteed on Linux and GNU 2.7, others still need to be tested, but you are free to give it a try. Installation is simple:
gunzip -c cgi++-0.8.tar.gz | tar xvf -
cd cgi++-0.8.tar.gz
su (if needed)
make install
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