cintoo Messages 1.0 Alpha1 review
Downloadcintoo Messages is a framework to make internationalization easier for Java applications
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cintoo Messages is a framework to make internationalization easier for Java applications. cintoo Messages framework supports locales for threads, and bundles can be associated with different packages.
This allows the usage of different bundles for different parts of the application, such as plugins, an installer, or a logging system. Bundles can be managed and associated with packages without any changes in the code.
This makes bundle management and refactoring much easier than with other solutions. cintoo Messages supports global locales for client applications written in Swing or SWT and thread-local ones for serverside Web applications.
Messages.setBundle("myBundle", "only.for.this.package");
Messages.setThreadLocale(new Locale("en", ""));
Messages.format(this, "myKey");
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