Claros Downloader 1.0 review
DownloadClaros Downloader is a simple, highly customizable, multi-threaded, web based downloader manager
Claros Downloader is a simple, highly customizable, multi-threaded, web based downloader manager. You can download files to your desktop, corporate server, wherever you are. You simply point your browser to Claros Downloader, login, add new url's. It forks a new thread downloading the remote file to the server running the web application. That's it.
For Tomcat Users:
Copy the war file to $TOMCAT_INSTALL_DIR/webapps folder
Start Tomcat
For other application servers, you shall know what to do with a war file. If war extension means nothing to you, just unzip is it, if it was a regular zip archive.
All configuration is done in WEB-INF/resources directory. Open with your favorite editor, and follow the instructions.
Please Note: There is a Java class called AddUser.class in WEB-INF/classes/org/claros/downloader/admin directory. Run this class from console to add a new user to the system.
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