CsvTool 1.0B3 review

by rbytes.net on

CsvTool analyzes, verifies, and transforms CSV (comma-separated value) data

License: Free For Educational Use
File size: 365K
Developer: Marc J. Rochkind
0 stars award from rbytes.net

CsvTool analyzes, verifies, and transforms CSV (comma-separated value) data. CsvTool handles text and binary files and allows any 8-bit character to be used for field and record delimiters and quotes.

Both backslash and doubled-quote escape rules are supported. Any size fields, any size records, and any number of fields per record are allowed. It optionally exports input data in a CSV format into a different output format.

Here are some key features of "CsvTool":
The perfect tool to use when you're not sure how a CSV file is formatted or whether it contains formatting errors. (Easy enough to check with a text file of a hundred-or-so lines, but impossible for larger or binary files without something like CsvTool.)
A necessity before loading important data into a database or spreadsheet.
Runs as a standalone application on Windows, Mac OS X, UNIX, Linux, FreeBSD, and any other system that supports Java 1.4.2 or later.
Shareware: free for tax-exempt charitable and educational institutions; $25 per copy for everyone else. (Free for everyone during the beta period.)
Handles any field and record delimiters or quotes. All characters (0 - 255) are allowed as delimiters, quotes, or in field data.
Handles any number of fields per record, any size fields, and any size records.
Download EXE file for Windows and JAR file for Mac OS X and UNIX/Linux/FreeBSD. (Right-click on the link and choose "Download Linked File," "Save Target As," or whatever similar command your browser has.) Run the JAR file with the command "java -jar CsvTool.jar" or, on a Mac, just double-click the JAR file as though it were an app.
You're free to redistribute the EXE or JAR files provided you haven't changed them in any way or combined them with any other EXE or JAR files.

20-day evaluation period

What's New in This Release:
Minor changes were made to the user interface and screens.

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