DarkerIRC 1.3 review

by rbytes.net on

DarkerIRC is a small chat application you can put on your website, allowing you to communicate with the visitors of your website

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 120K
Developer: Pieter Jansen
0 stars award from rbytes.net

DarkerIRC is a small chat application you can put on your website, allowing you to communicate with the visitors of your website. It can be used for online communities allowing their members to communicate realtime.

Here are some key features of "DarkerIRC":
Full color support
Full IRC compatibility
Easy configuration through a config file
Multiple channel support
Fully Themable/customizable graphics
Ability to connect to any server you specify

What's New in This Release:
Quakenet support has been fixed.
This release includes a new (self-signed) certificate, as the original one expired after five years.

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