DBD::mSQL 1.2219 review
DownloadDBD::mSQL / DBD::mysql is a Perl module with mSQL and mysql drivers for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI). SYNOPSIS use DB
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DBD::mSQL / DBD::mysql is a Perl module with mSQL and mysql drivers for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI).
use DBI;
$driver = "mSQL"; # or "mSQL1";
$dsn = "DBI:$driver:database=$database;host=$hostname";
$dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, undef, undef);
$driver = "mysql";
$dsn = "DBI:$driver:database=$database;host=$hostname;port=$port";
$dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $password);
$drh = DBI->install_driver("mysql");
@databases = $drh->func($host, $port, '_ListDBs');
@tables = $dbh->func( '_ListTables' );
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bla");
$sth = $dbh->prepare("LISTFIELDS $table");
$sth = $dbh->prepare("LISTINDEX $table $index");
$numRows = $sth->rows;
$numFields = $sth->{'NUM_OF_FIELDS'};
$rc = $drh->func('createdb', $database, $host, $user, $password, 'admin');
$rc = $drh->func('dropdb', $database, $host, $user, $password, 'admin');
$rc = $drh->func('shutdown', $host, $user, $password, 'admin');
$rc = $drh->func('reload', $host, $user, $password, 'admin');
$rc = $dbh->func('createdb', $database, 'admin');
$rc = $dbh->func('dropdb', $database, 'admin');
$rc = $dbh->func('shutdown', 'admin');
$rc = $dbh->func('reload', 'admin');
use strict;
use DBI();
# Connect to the database.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",
"joe", "joe's password",
{'RaiseError' => 1});
# Drop table 'foo'. This may fail, if 'foo' doesn't exist.
# Thus we put an eval around it.
eval { $dbh->do("DROP TABLE foo") };
print "Dropping foo failed: $@n" if $@;
# Create a new table 'foo'. This must not fail, thus we don't
# catch errors.
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE foo (id INTEGER, name VARCHAR(20))");
# INSERT some data into 'foo'. We are using $dbh->quote() for
# quoting the name.
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1, " . $dbh->quote("Tim") . ")");
# Same thing, but using placeholders
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (?, ?)", undef, 2, "Jochen");
# Now retrieve data from the table.
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM foo");
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
print "Found a row: id = $ref->{'id'}, name = $ref->{'name'}n";
# Disconnect from the database.
DBD::mysql and DBD::mSQL are the Perl5 Database Interface drivers for the mysql, mSQL 1.x and mSQL 2.x databases. The drivers are part of the Msql-Mysql-modules package.
In other words: DBD::mSQL and DBD::mysql are an interface between the Perl programming language and the mSQL or mysql programming API that come with the mSQL any mysql relational database management systems. Most functions provided by the respective programming API's are supported. Some rarely used functions are missing, mainly because noone ever requested them.
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