Directory Assistant 2.0 review
DownloadDirectory Assistant is an application for managing an LDAP address book
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Directory Assistant is an application for managing an LDAP address book. The focus is to create a very easy to use program, with only the few but necessary features. The target of Directory Assistant is novice users that still need to keep their addresses in an LDAP server.
Unpack the tarball, cd directoryassistant-1.4/, edit the Makefile (you might want to change the installation location, the prefix line in the Makefile) and run make. (note: if it complains about not having the gtk module installed, and you are sure you have it, make sure you run the ./ script under X)
Configuration is done by config file. Since novice users anyway don't know how to configure LDAP access, I decided to remove that from the GUI. The config file is however very simple. An example is shown below:
[My Ldap Server]
ldapurl = ldap://
bind_dn = cn=someaccount,o=someorg
bind_password = yourpassword
base_dn = ou=department,ou=People,o=someorg
startup_search = myfamilyname
add_dn = ou=myunit,ou=department,ou=People,o=someorg
The config should be stored in /etc/directoryassistant or $HOME/.directoryassistant
What's New in This Release:
Directoryassistant now supports multiple ldap servers, and supports many more common ldap keys, and has much better error handling.
Debian includes Directoryassistant in the latest version, so Debian Sid users should be able to install Directoryassistant using apt.
Directory Assistant 2.0 keywords