DOLFIN 0.6.4 review
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DOLFIN project is the C++ interface of FEniCS, providing a consistent PSE (Problem Solving Environment) for solving ordinary and partial differential equations.
Here are some key features of "DOLFIN":
Simple, consistent and intuitive object-oriented API
Automatic and efficient evaluation of variational forms through FFC
Automatic and efficient assembly of linear systems
Support for general families of finite elements, including continuous and discontinuous Lagrange finite elements of arbitrary order on triangles and tetrahedra through FIAT
Support for arbitrary mixed elements, including Taylor-Hood
High-performance parallel linear algebra through PETSc with simple C++ wrappers
Triangular and tetrahedral meshes, including adaptive mesh refinement and mesh hierarchies
Multi-adaptive mcG(q)/mdG(q) and mono-adaptive cG(q)/dG(q) ODE solvers
Support for a range of output formats for post-processing, including DOLFIN XML, MATLAB, Octave, OpenDX, GiD, Tecplot and Paraview/VTK
SWIG-generated Python interface PyDOLFIN (experimental) in addition to the standard C++ interface
The latest version of FFC
The latest version of FIAT
PETSc version 2.3.0
Libxml2 (Debian package libxml2-dev)
Note that FFC and FIAT are only needed if you want to define new differential equations, not if you are using one of the existing solvers/modules of DOLFIN.
What's New in This Release:
The Python bindings for the new mesh library have been improved, and input/output is now supported for mesh functions.
DOLFIN has switched from Python Numeric to Python NumPy in the Python interface.
A number of minor bugs have been fixed.
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