edictionary 2.1 review

by rbytes.net on

edictionary is a nifty little application which you can use as your dictionary

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Vishal Verma
0 stars award from rbytes.net

edictionary is a nifty little application which you can use as your dictionary. It will fit quite well into your command line intensive job and it's faster than your browser too!

edictionary can be used to view the meaning of English words. It can also provide related details like etymology, function, pronunciation etc. Adding support for other languages is not included, but is easy.

It can grab the meaning of any word from the convenience of the command line. You can ask for meanings of multiple words at once. You can call edictionary from within your scripts.

edictionary is as platform independent as Perl, because, you guessed it, it is written in Perl. Thus, all you need is Perl installed on your machine, and of course, edictionary. FYI, Perl is a platform independent language.

Interpreters are available for Linux, UNIX, Windows and many other platforms, easily. If you are running Linux or UNIX, chances are that you already have Perl installed on your machine.

What's New in This Release:
The most important change is to fix broken support for the M-W dictionary.
Other changes include support for the broken httpproxy directive in the configuration file and support for a "no suggestion" command line option.

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