Elm Millennium Edition 2.4 PL123d (25) (Elm 2.4ME+ patch) review

by rbytes.net on

Elm Millennium Edition is an interactive mail system based on Elm 2.4

License: Freely Distributable
File size: 1623K
Developer: Kari Hurtta
0 stars award from rbytes.net

Elm Millennium Edition is an interactive mail system based on Elm 2.4. It contains enhanced MIME and character set support.

Elm Millennium Edition can read mail from POP or IMAP folders and can pass mail to the PGP or GPG programs. It can also view digests as a mailbox and reassemble fragmented (message/partial) messages. It includes modules for TLS/SSL, iconv, and SMTP.

Elm Millenium Edition 2.4 PL122 (25)

Elm Millennium Edition 2.4 PL123d (25) (Elm 2.4ME+ patch) keywords