fotoalbum 0.17 review
Downloadfotoalbum can be used to quickly organize, describe, tag, rotate, edit pictures and related files
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fotoalbum can be used to quickly organize, describe, tag, rotate, edit pictures and related files. fotoalbum project contains advanced features to search and find pictures, too.
There are some special concepts behind fotoalbum which lead to some advantages. But there are two reasons ordinary Joe User might not like this application:
The application has some rough edges, lots of features are not implemented yet. This can be sorted out.
To benefit from using this application, Joe User needs to understand some concepts like files, directories, symbolic links (like they exist on unix filesystems) and less simple things described below. This might not be a problem, but have you ever tried to make your parents (age 50+, little or no computer experience before) use a computer and tried to tell them about files and directories?
There is a step-by-step example which explains the basic concepts and shows how to use this application.
Hyperlinks can be used
In the descriptive text for a group or picture you can include links which point to other groups/pictures. By clicking such a link, you will be shown the referenced element.
You can also link other files, like big text or html files describing some event.
Symbolic links can be used
I'll explain this with an example, let's call it 'Best of'. You have a group with all your pictures of the summer holidays, far too much to show to your friends (some boring ones in between, but you like to keep them).
You create another group, which is a link to the group mentioned before. The new group does not contain any pictures yet, but it shares the comment and keywords with the original group. So when you edit the comment or keywords on one of them, the change takes effect for both of them.
Inside of the the new group you create links to the original pictures you want to show to your friends. Again, if you edit comment/keywords/date/time on the link or on the original picture, it takes effect on both of them.
The possibility to use links means less work for you and less disk space usage.
Advanced search features
You can search for words in a group's or picture's comment and keywords and will be shown a hierarchy like the original one, but with only those elements left which match the search criteria.
Another great feature is to get a view of your pictures sorted by date and time, no matter how they had been organized on disc or in the album.
Every search creates a new view (on which you can perform another search).
What's New in This Release:
Bugs regarding reading/writing of application options were fixed.
These bugs could cause the application to segfault.
Picture files can be copied to a destination directory, and they can optionally be reduced in size/quality while doing so.
The location for thumbnail files can be configured now.
Plugins can be created and used through a powerful and easy to use interface.
Single files can be added.
Lots of minor changes were made.
fotoalbum 0.17 search tags