FuLFS 0.0.3 review

by rbytes.net on

FuLFS is a simple hack to store and read very large files on/from a filesystem with small maximum file size

License: BSD License
File size: 7K
Developer: E. Bloch
0 stars award from rbytes.net

FuLFS is a simple hack to store and read very large files on/from a filesystem with small maximum file size. The primary purpose was putting DVD-size images on FAT32 and use it transparently. The files are stored in the form name.aa, name.ab, ...


./fulfs physical-storage-dir virtual-dir [ chunk size ]

where the chunk size can be completed with a k/K/m/M/g/G suffix, meaning a
decimal or binary (upper case) factor of the particular unit.


Install pkgconfig, install fuse library (version >>2.5.0, from http://fuse.sourceforge.net or a modern Linux distribution, including the development files (eg. libfuse-dev on Debian).

Run "make".

What's New in This Release:
Uses only two letter suffix, resulting in 26^2 files. Which means a maximum file size of about 1.3TB on a 2GB-limited filesystem.
owner and permission change is not allowed since atomic operations are not implemented yet.

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