Fusedaap 0.2.1 review

by rbytes.net on

Fusedaap project is a read-only FUSE (filesystem in userspace) filesystem that allows for browsing and accessing DAAP (iTunes) music

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Peter Sanford
0 stars award from rbytes.net

Fusedaap project is a read-only FUSE (filesystem in userspace) filesystem that allows for browsing and accessing DAAP (iTunes) music shares.

One possible use for fusedaap is to allow applications that don't have native DAAP support to easily access music from DAAP shares.

Fusedaap is still in early stages of development. The current release has the following features:

Detecting and mounting available DAAP shares.
Browsing music sorted by host-arist-album.
Accessing/Playing music from shares.

Currently, fusedaap supports iTunes versions

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