Genius review
DownloadGenius project is a calculator program similiar in some aspects to BC, Matlab or Maple
Genius project is a calculator program similiar in some aspects to BC, Matlab or Maple. GEL is the name of its extention language (stands for "Genius Extension Language", clever huh?), in fact, a large part of the standard genius functions are written in GEL itself.
Here are some key features of "Genius":
Arbitrary precision ints, multiple precision floats, using all the power of gmp.
Rational numbers, stored as quotient and denominator.
Complex numbers, stored in cartesian coordinates as usual.
Automatic typing, no need to declare types of variables.
Math-like-looking expressions, tries to be as much a what you mean is what Genius understands, up to a limit of course.
Matrix calculations, with many related functions.
Modular arithmetic, including inversions and modular arithmetic on matrices.
A complete programming language. In fact large part of Genius standard library is written in GEL.
Can output matrices in LaTeX, Troff (eqn) or MathML, this is I think a very cool feature that allows you to copy stuff directly from the Genius console to a document in LaTeX, troff or MathML. I in fact use this even to just enter matrices into LaTeX documents to begin with.
2D Function line plots, standard 2D graphs of up to 10 functions at once, with possibility to export to EPS or PNG
3D Function surface plots, with possibility to export to EPS or PNG
GUI IDE where you can edit and run/test your programs
A plugin interface, not yet really used.
mpfr (now included in the tarball)
optionally GNOME
optionally GTK 2.4
optionally GtkSourceView
What's New in This Release:
Fix rational powers
Genius keywords