GGZ Gtk+ games collection 0.0.13 review
DownloadGGZ Gtk+ games collection is a collection of free online games for the Gtk+/GNOME desktop. The Gtk+ games collection of the GGZ G
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GGZ Gtk+ games collection is a collection of free online games for the Gtk+/GNOME desktop.
The Gtk+ games collection of the GGZ Gaming Zone project includes the extensible GGZCards framework, Chess, Reversi, Chinese Checkers, Hastings1066 and other games which can all be played online.
The following games have been created by the GGZ Gaming Zone developers:
KDE games collection:
KTicTacTux (TicTacToe engine)
KDots (Connect The Dots engine)
Fyrdman (Hastings1066 engine)
KReversi (Reversi engine)
Koenig (Chess engine)
KCC (Chinese Checkers engine)
Krosswater (Krosswater engine)
M?hle (M?hle engine)
Keepalive (Keepalive engine)
Gtk+ games collection:
TicTacToe (TicTacToe engine)
Dots (Connect The Dots engine)
Hastings1066 (Hastings1066 engine)
Reversi (Reversi engine)
Combat (Combat engine)
Chess (Chess engine)
Chinese Checkers (Chinese Checkers engine)
NetSpades (NetSpades engine)
GGZCards (Bridge, FortyTwo, Hearts, LaPocha, Spades, Suaro, Sueca, Whist engines)
SDL games collection:
TTT3D (TicTacToe engine)
Geekgame (Geekgame engine)
SDL/Python games collection:
GGZBoard (Reversi, Chess, Go, Checkers, Hnefatafl, ConnectX, (Ludo, Arimaa) engines)
Xadrez Chin?s (Chinese Chess engine)
Escape/SDL (Escape engine)
Other GGZ game clients:
Guru-TTT (TicTacToe engine)
Guru-Chess (Chess engine)
TTTXT (TicTacToe engine)
Escape (Escape engine)
ConnectX (ConnectX engine)
GGZ-Java (a multitude of game engines)
The following games are not part of GGZ, they're developed externally:
External games:
Kamikaze (Kamikaze engine)
PyKamikaze (Kamikaze engine)
Tuxman (Tuxman engine)
T.E.G. (T.E.G. engine)
Go/CGoBan (Go engine)
Widelands (Widelands engine)
Freeciv (Freeciv engine)
Freelords (Freelords engine)
Batalla Naval (unmaintained)
XTux Arena (unmaintained)
GTK+ version 2.4.x
ggz-client-libs packages
What's New in This Release:
No major changes, but several cleanups compared to 0.0.12.
GGZ Gtk+ games collection 0.0.13 search tags