Gpremacy 20051117 review

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Gpremacy is a Mono/Gtk# clone of the 80s board game "Supremacy" by Supremacy Games, Inc

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: James Jones
0 stars award from

Gpremacy is a Mono/Gtk# clone of the 80s board game "Supremacy" by Supremacy Games, Inc. Gpremacy is a "Risk"-like game set in the near future between the superpowers with macroeconomics and nuclear weapons.

Here are some key features of "Gpremacy":
Cross Platform: Will run on any system supported by Mono (Win2k+, Linux, Solaris, OS X...)
Multiplayer Ready: Play with your friends online, and nuke them!
AI in development: If you don't have enough people, or just want to play by yourself. Look for this soon!
Theme-ready: Gtk themes are automatically applied, so it can match your furniture and socks!


What's New in This Release:
There is now a worthless AI opponent, flags to show who owns what, and a working movement arrow.
Nukes always work when fired, and a long list of bugfixes were made.
The AI opponent is still being written, but the bugfixes to the rest of the game engine dramatically improve the game among human players.

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