GTK Dictionary 0.5.5 review
DownloadGTK Dictionary handles dictionaries stored in MySQL server. Here are some key features of "GTK Dictionary": · All dictionaries ar
GTK Dictionary handles dictionaries stored in MySQL server.
Here are some key features of "GTK Dictionary":
All dictionaries are stored in MySQL server, you can switch using different dictionaries and databases
Output with two different fonts, no need to use unicode storing dictionary databases. This makes possible to use European-Cyrillic dictionaries for example
Cyrillic auto detection, so gtkdic is smart enough to recognizes Cyrillic words and uses different font to display'em.
Search in word/articles, incremental search and other search modes
Word history which can be retrieved by mouse or using key shortcuts
You can add new articles to dictionaries
Command line utility which can be used in key shortcuts for example to pop-up the gtkdic
Nice printing via LaTeX supporting mixed European-Cyrillic characters
Support using xclipboard buffer
File open/save operations
Small Web based dictionary as a part of package
Here are some key features of "GTK Dictionary":
MySQL server 3.22 or higher
MySQL client library - libmysqlclient
Perl running on your box
DBD::Mysql perl module (Perl/Tk version only)
Tk perl module (tested with Tk800.023) (Perl/Tk version only)
GTK+ 1.2.0 and higher, GTK2 is on the way, but not ready yet (GTK+ version only)
1. Install MySQL with native charset (koi8-r in my case).
2. Create user and grant enough perms to create databases in MySQL.
(smth. like:
mysql>mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO gtkdic IDENTIFIED BY 'some_pass';
2a. Create user(s) which will connect to database ptkdic and give enough perms to them.
3. Look at, (MYSQL, MYSQLUSER ...), edit if need.
4. Compile gtkdic (make, make install see INSTALL for configure details)
5. Run to create database which will store dictionaries.
6. Copy gtkdicrc.templ $HOME/.gtkdic/gtkdicrc
7. Edit $HOME/.gtkdic/gtkdicrc
8. Install dictionaries (type ' dicname.gz').
(All dicts require more than ~280Mb of mysql's space).
9. Run gtkdic & enjoy
10. If you need system wide rc- file you can copy gtkdicrc.templ to $prefix/etc/gtkdicrc; by default - /usr/local/etc/gtkdicrc. Alse see ./configure --help.
User rc- file has priority over system wide one. Also you can set environment variables: DIC_HOST, DIC_DB, DIC_USER, DIC_PWD.
They have highest priority.
In entry boxes you can use the following keys:
< Enter > - start search
< Up/Down > - history
< Esc > - erase word
You can enter iso-8859-1 letters as is or use:
'A' for 'A' with dots
'o' for 'o' with dots and so on...
Word settings:
"Exact match only" - search exact match, quit search if not found;
"Exact match, then..." - continue glob search if there's no exact matches;
"Glob match only" - start glob word search ( '*word*' pattern )
Article settings:
"Word boundary" - search in articles; use '* word *' pattern;
"Word boundary left" - use '* word*' pattern;
"Word boundary right" - use '*word *' pattern;
"Word boundary both" - use '*word*' pattern
Updating database:
Use configure --with-edit to compile with this feature.
Type word into left entry and translation into text area, then use
'Update dictionary' from menu.
Audio output:
Use configure --with-audio to compile with this feature.
Look at bin/
All printing goes thru latex/dvips programs.
Pop-Up feature:
./configure --with-socklsn. In your WM (or external program like xbindkeys) define hot keys to run gtkdicctl. In case with xbindkeys add to ~/.xbindkeysrc smth. like this:
"gtkdicctl -c uniconify || gtkdic &"
control+shift + d
"gtkdicctl -c clip_search_word &"
control+shift + t
"gtkdicctl -c clip_search_art &"
control+shift + r
"gtkdicctl -c iconify &"
control+shift + z
Restart xbindkeys, run gtkdic and enjoy (select some word in any app. and press hot key)
GTK Dictionary 0.5.5 keywords