Helene 0.5 review

by rbytes.net on

Helene is a syntax highlighting text editor written in javascript

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 21K
Developer: Muze
0 stars award from rbytes.net

Helene is a syntax highlighting text editor written in javascript. It is meant as a replacement for textarea's in webbased IDE's.

Helene is developed by Muze for the Ariadne content management system , but can be used for virtually any other system.

Currently Helene supports Internet Explorer and Mozilla. The javascript code is almost entirely DOM based, so any modern browser should in principle be able to run the code.

Here are some key features of "Helene":
Syntax highlighting
Helene highlights source code embedded in html pages. Colors are fully adjustable via a seperate CSS file.
Supported languages: php, javascript, smarty.
Line numbers
Like other good programmers editors Helene displays line numbers next to each line.
Load and Save javascript methods
Automatic detection of text size and font family.
Adjustable keybindings, Helene supports default windows key bindings and a select set of Joe keybindings (^kv ^ku ^e ^a ^z ^x).
Tab support
Unlike normal text areas you can enter a tab character in Helene.
Autoindenting new lines (configurable)
Unlimited Undo/Redo. Thanks to Paul Colomiets.

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