Intelligent Wardialer 0.07 review
DownloadIntelligent Wardialer is a "war dialer" used for auditing your PSTN (phone) network
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Intelligent Wardialer is a "war dialer" used for auditing your PSTN (phone) network. Its features include random/sequential dialing, Voice over IP using the IAX2 (Intra-Asterisk eXchange) protocol, ASCII flat file and MySQL logging, a curses-based front end, key stroke marking, multiple modem support, several methods of "tone detection", save/load state, banner detections (to determine remote system types) and blacklist support.
Here are some key features of "Intelligent Wardialer":
Full and Normal logging: Full logging records all possible events during dialing (busy signals, no answers, carriers, etc). By default it only records things that we might find interesting (carriers, possible telco equipment).
ASCII flat file and MySQL logging: You can log to a traditional ASCII flat file, and record information into a MySQL database.
Dials randomly or sequentially.
Remote system identification: When finding a remote modem and connecting, iWar will remain connected and attempt to identify the remote system type.
Key stroke marking: When actively "listening" to iWar work, if you hear something interesting, you can manually "mark" it by hitting a key. You can also enter a "note" about something you find interesting.
Multiple modem support, because... well, hey - this is "Unix". iWar will support as many modems you can hook up
Nice "curses" based display. This means that if you're using iWar from a Linux console or a VT100 based terminal, it should work fine. It's not a escape sequence kludge, but true "curses".
Full control over the modem: Unlike other 'kludges', iWar doesn't just open the modem as a typical "file". It controls the baud rate, parity, and CTS/RTS (Hardware flow control) DTR (Data terminal ready). This is important for controlling the modem and making it preform the way you want it to during scanning. For example, DTR hang ups.
Blacklisted phone number support: For numbers the system should never dial.
Save state: If within the middle of a "wardialing" session you want to quit, you can save the current state to a file. This allows you to come back later and restart iWar where you left off. (via the '-l' option)
Load pre-generated numbers: You can load a file (via the '-L' option) of numbers that you want to dial. This is useful if you want to load numbers generated by another routine (perl/shell script/etc).
Tone location, if your modem supports it. iWar uses two different methods. The traditional "ATDT5551212w;" (Toneloc) and "silence" detection.
Records remote system banners on connection for later review
iWar can be used to attack PBX's and Voice mail systems
Terminal window so you can watch modem interactions and carrier results in real time
Support the IAX2 (Intra-Asterisk eXchange) "Voice over IP" (VoIP) protocol. This allows you to scan without the need of additional hardware! To my knowledge, iWar is the first war dialer with VoIP functionality
In IAX2 mode, iWar acts as a "full blown" VoIP client. In this mode, key 0-9, * and # play there DTMF equivalents. In this mode, you can also directly "talk" (using a microphone) with the remote target if so desired.
In IAX2 mode, if your VoIP provider supports it, you can "set" your caller ID number (caller ID spoofing).
Comes with complete source code and is released under the GNU General Public License.
What's New in This Release:
Major bugfixes were made for BSD type systems.
Some other minor bugs were also fixed. VoIP IAX2 (Intra-Asterisk eXchange) support was added.
With this, you can scan with no additional hardware (such as an analog modem).
Instead, calls are placed over the Internet.
DTMF support for when under IAX2 mode was added.
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