iridium 1 review

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iridium is a photo gallery which takes care of the tedious details associated with thumbnails, positioning, resizing and recoding.

License: Other/Proprietary License
File size: 0K
Developer: ATOMILUX, INC.
0 stars award from

iridium is a photo gallery which takes care of the tedious details associated with thumbnails, positioning, resizing and recoding.

After a simple upload, it resizes photos, renders thumbnails, and packages them up in an XML document for a Flash driven application.

Ever wanted to have a photo gallery, but hate the: thumbnails, resizing, positioning and recoding? iridium takes care of those details for you. After a simple upload, it resizes photos, renders thumbnails and packages it up in a flash application.

It’s just that darn easy! iridium can stand alone or embed itself!


Installation file contents:

1. iridium.html - simple bare bones HTML file with flash file embedded
2. iridium folder - where the update application and your pictures will live
3. iridium/pictures folder - where you will make folders and put in images
4. iridium/_PHPtools - unless you know PHP its best to leave this folder alone.
5. iridium_v1a.fla - this is the flash source file that can be modified for your site
6. iridium_v1a.swf - this is the flash gallery that's embedded in the HTML page

Installation instructions:

1. unzip files into appropriate web folder. Be sure that iridium.html is in
the same folder as the 'iridium' folder.

2. verify folder and .PHP file permissions for '_PHPtools'. Your server will
likely require specific permissions to 'read, write and execute' any .PHP files.
Some server administrators may refer to this as CHMOD. Please refer to them
for the correct permissions as they will varry.

Further help (Frequently Asked Questions) can be found at:

3. make a folder for each gallery you want in: iridium/pictures/*your gallery name*
i.e. a gallery named 'vacation' would be found at: iridium/pictures/vacation/
i.3. a gallery named '1-05_newYearsPics' would be found at: iridium/pictures/1-05_newYearsPics/

4. upload JPEGs ONLY into each folder that you make.
NOTE: significant problems have been found with PHP's GD library and ANY JPEGs
from a digital camera. For some reason, the ICC profile attached to each image
makes the GD library come to a screeching halt. I recommend running large batches
of files through a program called 'Web Photo Publish'. It's a JAVA based application
that runs on any platform. It is FREE and open source.

If the product works for you please consider donating a meger $5 or more to
their project. Given the price of modern software, I'd say it's a steal.

5. launch the iridium.html page.

6. right mouse click (control click for mac users) on the gallery itself.
You'll likely see a black box at first sight. Choose 'Update Gallery' from
the contextual menu.

7. The gallery update application will ask you to set up username, password and
email address one time to establish login information.

8. Allow a minute or so for the update application to finish, close the window,
and refresh the iridium.html page. Your gallery should load up.

NOTE: large amounts of new JPEG files may take longer

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