The Gallery 1.5.5-pl1 review
DownloadGallery is a web based software product that lets you manage your photos on your own website
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Gallery is a web based software product that lets you manage your photos on your own website. You must have your own website with PHP support in order to install and use it.
With Gallery you can easily create and maintain albums of photos via an intuitive interface. The function photo management includes automatic thumbnail creation, image resizing, rotation, ordering, captioning, searching and more.
Albums can have read, write and caption permissions per individual authenticated user for an additional level of privacy. Give accounts to your friends and family and let them upload and manage their own photos on your website!
Here are some key features of "The Gallery":
Image Magick or NetPBM - pick which image manipulation package you have on your server or want to use.
Auto Rotate Images - Gallery can look at information in pictures from digital cameras and automatically rotate them as needed.
Image Quality and Size Defaults - You can limit the quality and size of images so that when images are uploaded, Gallery will resize them to save space.
Main Gallery Page Settings - The configuration wizard contains all of the settings for how the main Gallery page looks and acts including showing or hiding the album tree, search engine, or album owner, and what frames to show around albums.
Optional Binaries: zip, jhead, jpegtran - If you have these programs on your webserver, you can enable them to make gallery work better and be more flexible.
Languages - Choose which languages you want your Gallery to support and how the user is presented with the choice.
Email Support - Set up email support to have your Gallery email users when their accounts are created or when they forget their password, email you copies, email people when the Gallery is updated, and more!
Gallery-wide Slideshow - enable or disable a slideshow that includes all pictures in the gallery
Commenting - turn off or on the public commenting system and configure it.
Logging - enable logging with syslog or the Windows logger
RSS publishing - publish your Gallery with RSS![1]
Album Defaults - set defaults for the way that all new albums will originally look.
What's New in This Release:
Fixed bugs that are perceivable by users:
From 1.5.5 -> slideshow works in IE/Opera again
Embedded slideshow in low mode.
#1299913 ; $_REQUEST['name'] is now NOT longer an indicator for being embedded.
#1487824, allow negative alignment for watermark.
eCard preview did not work embedded.
The preference for normal/full when browsing an album was broken.
undefined function: _() in certain circumstances.
If magic_quotes were On, links in input with quotes were not regocnized.
Shadow frame files were corrupted.
Link to colorpicker was broken.
Font color in upload photos (aka white on white doesnt read good).
"next tab" was broken in config.
Preloading feature in FF does not increase the counter in view_album and view_photo.
Besides there were some little enhancements and JS updates.
The Gallery 1.5.5-pl1 search tags