Java Image Album 1.0 review

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Java Image Album project is a Free Open Source easy to use wizard-style JavaTM application that generates HTML photo albums. Autom

License: MPL (Mozilla Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Mirko
0 stars award from

Java Image Album project is a Free Open Source easy to use wizard-style JavaTM application that generates HTML photo albums.

Automatically resize your images and produce a set of HTML pages including index pages with thumbnails and detailed caption pages for each photo. Publishing a new photo album is as simple as copying a directory of images to your web directory.

Here are some key features of "Java Image Album":
General Features

Wizard-style interface
100% Java, runs on all platforms
Supports .jpg images
Read Exif information new
Open Source! See the licence

User Interface Features

Image preview
HTML Caption editing
Change order of photos to be published
Select / deselect photos to be published
Enhanced user interface, including easier selection of folders
Remembers most settings from previous runs, speeding up the publishing process.
Stores captions with source photos, in .txt files
Time-saving shortcut keys for most options
Select All and Clear All buttons on captions panel
Faster thumbnail loading

Publishing Features

Generates index page, with thumbnails
Generates HTML pages with next/prev links
Option to resize all portait or landscape images
Option to output original sized images as well
Customize number of output columns
Option to generate multiple thumbnail pages
Option to generate link to parent album
Option to place detail caption above or below photo
Option to align detail photo left, center or right
Option to display EXIF information new

Java 1.4.2 or later

What's New in This Release:
EXIF information can be printed on a separate page.
Album description and Title are stored in a text file saved in an image folder.
The ability to select the position of the Navigation Button in an HTML page has been added.
More internationalization (Italian, English, and Russian).
Bugs in the output layout and other bugs have been fixed.

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