JvFTP 0.72 review
JvFTP is a Java ftp client library.
This library has been tested with:
SunOS 5.7, FTP server
BSD-199506, FTP server
SuSE Linux 6.4 (i386), FTP server
HP-UX B.11.00 U 9000/800, FTP server
MS Windows, BulletProof FTP server v2.1.5
MS Windows 2000, Microsoft FTP Publishing Service 5.0
Here are some key features of "JvFTP":
Uploads / downloads files
Recursive directory uploads
Concurrent data transfers
Both passive / active data transfer modes
Swing components for browsing files and directories
AWT components for browsing files and directories
Java Platform JRE 1.2+; free download http://java.sun.com/j2se/
What's New in This Release:
Java 1.1 AWT components added.
Autodetect of Java 2 version dependent features implemented.
FtpFile#examineWinListDate() date parsing fixed
Kudos to Petr Olsovec, who sent me the code fragments with fixes.
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