KVideoEncoder 0.08 RC2 review

by rbytes.net on

KVideoEncoder is a GUI for the mencoder; the goal of this application is to be a clone of TMPGEnc for Linux with additional features.

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Philipp Ludwig
0 stars award from rbytes.net

KVideoEncoder is a GUI for the mencoder; the goal of this application is to be a clone of TMPGEnc for Linux with additional features.

KVideoEncoder supports joining of two or more videos and dvd-ripping.

a recent version of mplayer with the mencoder.
KVideoEncoder works (on my PC) with MPlayer-1.0pre5 and MPlayer-1.0pre7.
If you're using another version, just try it and mail me what happens! (Does it work? Does is not work?)
a recent version of Qt. KVideoEncoder works (on my PC) with Qt 3.3.2 and 3.3.4
lsdvd if you want DVD-Ripping


First, look in the src/ directory and try to run the file "kvideoencoder". This is the binary file I compiled on my PC. If this does not work or if you want to compile KVideoEncoder by yourself, follow these steps:

- Open a Terminal and cd to the src/ directory
- type the following commands:


If everything works fine, your binary should be ready. Now you can copy it (if you like) to /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin or /opt or somewhere else.

What's New in 0.0.7 Stable Release:
The algorithmus which searchs for the KDE libs and includes has been improved.

What's New in 0.08 RC2 Release:
file encoding repaired (mencoder).

KVideoEncoder 0.08 RC2 keywords