Mp3Kult 0.7 review

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Mp3Kult project organizes your collection of MP3s

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Stefano Brustia
0 stars award from

Mp3Kult project organizes your collection of MP3s. Mp3Kult is an application for KDE 3. It organizes your MP3/Ogg collection in a MySQL database.

It can read MP3/Ogg tags and song information (length, bit rate, sample rate, etc.), make playlists, play songs with an external player (xmms, gqmpeg), find a song in database (base and advanced search), and make a copy of a playlist on your hard disk (to play the playlist without inserting CDROMs).

Mp3Kult can recursivly scan directories to find MP3/Ogg files, and it can automatically mount, umount, and eject a CDROM before/after a job.

Kde 2.1 or newer.
Mysql 3.22.32 or newer,
Id3Lib 3.7.13 or newer,
LibOgg and LibVorvis

Mp3Kult 0.7 search tags