OpenGuides::Feed 0.57 review
DownloadProduces RSS 1.0 and Atom 1.0 feeds for OpenGuides
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Produces RSS 1.0 and Atom 1.0 feeds for OpenGuides. Distributed and installed as part of the OpenGuides project, not intended for independent installation. This documentation is probably only useful to OpenGuides developers.
use Wiki::Toolkit;
use OpenGuides::Config;
use OpenGuides::Feed;
my $wiki = Wiki::Toolkit->new( ... );
my $config = OpenGuides::Config->new( file => "wiki.conf" );
my $feed = OpenGuides::Feed->new( wiki => $wiki,
config => $config,
og_version => '1.0', );
# Ten most recent changes in RSS format.
my %args = ( items => 10,
feed_type => 'rss',
also_return_timestamp => 1 );
my ($feed_output,$feed_timestamp) = $feed->make_feed( %args );
print "Content-Type: application/rdf+xmln";
print "Last-Modified: " . $feed_timestamp . "nn";
print $feed_output;
OpenGuides::Feed 0.57 keywords