send2kflickr 0.1 review

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send2kflickr is the first attempt to create a KIPI plugin which uses KFlickr. The functionality is limited but this is due to limi

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: M. Asselstine
0 stars award from

send2kflickr is the first attempt to create a KIPI plugin which uses KFlickr.

The functionality is limited but this is due to limitations in the KIPI API. For example I would of liked to of been able to add tags set in Digikam automatically in the photo however the KIPI API does not provide access to these tags.

NOTE: If you are a kflickr user you will notice that your user settings are not set. You will have to Authenticate send2kflickr with to get these.

KFlickr is now available as a KIPI plugin. That's right you will now be able to upload your photos directly from digikam, kphotoalbum and others using the same interface you have grown to love. So far photo title and description are supported. I am working on getting further support included but I am finding the KIPI API a bit limited. You can grab the software here∞.

KFlickr offers many features such as:
Drag-n-drop from other applications (such as Konqueror and DigiKam∞)
Easy editing of your photo properties (title, description, privacy, tags)
Access to your list of tags
Support for more than one user
large Image preview
support for the new flickr∞ authentication
Batch editing of photos
Proxy server support
Support for JPG, PNG and (non-animated) GIF photo formats
Photo rotate
Photo resize before upload
Konqueror Service menu
Now a KPart (allows for future integration into other apps)
Now supports DCOP (again allow for future integration into other apps)
Unicode support

send2kflickr 0.1 search tags