Soulfind 0.4.8 review

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Soulfind is a Soulseek server implementation for Linux, though it can probably be compiled under Mac OS X, BSD or Windows as well (if

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 183K
Developer: SeeSchloss
0 stars award from

Soulfind is a Soulseek server implementation for Linux, though it can probably be compiled under Mac OS X, BSD or Windows as well (if you have tried to build Soulfind under another OS than Linux, I'd like to know if it worked, and what happens if it didn't). This homepage is there to provide some information about it.

There's also a new #slsk-gpl room on Freenode (, I'll try to be there as often as possible (but 50H/month dial-up sucks).

Soulfind is coded using the D programming language and released under the GNU General Public License.

It originally started with me being bored on a sunday afternoon, and coding a basic chat-only Soulseek server... since it was easier than what I had expected, I decided to go on and implement the full protocol.

The name just comes from people ranting about how their searches on the official server do not return enough results... indeed its name is only Soulseek, while this one is Soulfind.

The server supports the Nicotine, Museek and PySoulSeek clients (actually, all clients except the official Windows one should work). The Windows client also works to some extent, but you have to trick it to make it connect to another server on another port, and it also checks for an md5sum in the server answer, which this server doesn't send.

What's New in This Release:
This release compiles with DMD 0.155, and supports the new server-handled room and buddy searches.
Several minor bugs have been fixed, as well as a more important one about privileges (giving some privileges to another user did not add to his existing privileges, but replaced them).

Soulfind 0.4.8 keywords