ThoughtPad 0.2 review

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ThoughtPad is a simple multi-document editor for taking and organizing notes quickly. ThoughtPad project is still in early develop

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Mark Hughes
0 stars award from

ThoughtPad is a simple multi-document editor for taking and organizing notes quickly.

ThoughtPad project is still in early development, only the most basic features work yet, and it has no documentation.

What Works:

You can edit in the text area.

Save, Save As, Rename, and Delete do pretty much what you'd expect.

The "path"/filename of a thought must start with a /, each directory is separated by a /, and directories and filenames can only contain letters, digits, dash (-), underscore (_), and period (.). The thoughts are actually stored under the directory $HOME/ThoughtPad.

If you don't like the default editor color or font, use Options to change it. Your colors, fonts, and screen position are remembered after you quit and restart.

Here are some key features of "ThoughtPad":
Better text editor.
Simple rich-text markup, stored in the files as HTML.
Search all thoughts with regular expressions.
Publish To Web command.
Mark individual thoughts private, so they won't be published to the Web.
Set alarms on items; I may figure out how to tie this into iCal.

Java 1.4.2 or later

ThoughtPad 0.2 keywords