Twisted Web 0.6.0 review

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Twisted Web includes an HTTP/1.0 protocol implementation for both servers and clients

License: MIT/X Consortium License
File size: 257K
Developer: Glyph Lefkowitz
0 stars award from

Twisted Web includes an HTTP/1.0 protocol implementation for both servers and clients. Twisted Web also includes a resource framework for implementing rich, dynamic web applications. It includes support for authentication either via HTTP AUTH, session URLs, or session cookies.

It supports CGIs and a custom PB-based distribution mechanism for serving content from separate, persistent processes. It includes SOAP and XML-RPC support for both clients and servers. It also makes it particularly easy to deploy new servers with novel or ephemeral use-cases, often with only a single short command.

What's New in This Release:
This release adds HTTP Basic auth support for XML-RPC clients, and fixes several date, time, and If-Modified-Since header parsing corner-cases.
Various performance improvements have been made, and support for CGIs broken in a few specific ways has been improved.

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