UseBB 1.0.3 review
DownloadUseBB project is an easy-to-set up and easy-to-use PHP/MySQL bulletin board system with several user and administration possibilities
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UseBB project is an easy-to-set up and easy-to-use PHP/MySQL bulletin board system with several user and administration possibilities, especially designed for small to medium sized Web sites which do not need the overdose of features found in other forum packages.
Here are some key features of "UseBB":
Special Characteristics
Free, as in freeware
UseBB can be obtained completely free without having to pay any fees for support, future and development versions, etc.
Free, as in freedom
UseBB is developed as Open Source software, anyone can help develop it and write additional features, templates, etc.
Installation & Upgrading
Installing and upgrading UseBB using handy wizards
Can set many configuration options during installation
Can delete itself after installation process
Categories and Forums
Board can be divided into an unlimited number of categories and forums
Per-forum configuration options and permissions
Level-based permissions for posting, moderating, ...
An unlimited or maximum number of replies can be set per forum
Supports the use of BBCode and smilies in posts
Posting flood protection
Member Features
Unlimited number of members possible
Each member has his/her own personal profile page
Many profile fields possible (such as ICQ#, location, age, real name ...)
Set up your displayed name in your own language (even Russian or Chinese)
Supports off-site avatars
Moderation Features
Moderators can be set per forum
Can move/close/reopen/delete topics
Can edit/delete posts
Can post/edit/delete/... sticky topics
Administration Interface
Set various configuration options
Create/edit/delete categories and forums
Prune forums (topics) and members
Send newsletters to members
Set up bad word censors
Edit/delete members
Ban by membername, e-mail address or IP address
and much, much more...
Various Features
Powerful cross-forum search engine
Topic subscriptions via e-mail and on-line overview
Built-in frequently asked questions
Active topics listing (in HTML and RSS 2.0 format)
Powerful output compression using gzip
Flawless support for uncommon character sets
Search engine friendly .html URL's
Styles and Customization
UseBB uses seperated HTML and PHP for optimal performance
Interface can be modified and translated using templates and language packs
Default templates use standards compliant XHTML 1.0 and CSS
HTTP server supporting PHP
PHP 4.1.0
MySQL 3.23
GNU/Linux operating system
Recent Apache HTTPD version
Recent PHP 4 version
Including multibyte string support (mbstring)
Recent MySQL 4 version
PHP must be compiled with or have auto-loaded extensions for session, PCRE and mysql support in order for UseBB to work.
mod_rewrite is required for friendly URL�s (*.html).
ZLib support in PHP is required for certain output compression levels to work.
For PHP 5 support: please read UseBB on PHP5.
UseBB is confirmed to work on Microsoft Windows.
What's New in This Release:
Fixed bug #1322: BBCode parsing bug with spaces in quote tags.
Fixed bug #1296: use MTA -f argument when necessary (patch by Tadashi Jokagi).
Fixed db_mysql to use new_link parameter while connecting.
Will now set cookies with the httpOnly flag, when enabled (by default).
Custom setcookie function always sets right past expiry value when needed.
Don't allow posts only containing BBCode tags to be posted.
Allow guests to edit all guest postings when permissions are set up like this, but don't allow them to edit guest posts otherwise.
UseBB 1.0.3 keywords