Virtual Appliances Base 0.1.059 review

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Virtual Appliances are nano-sized virtual machines with Web user interfaces for deploying instant infrastructure and applications.

License: Free To Use But Restricted
File size: 13704K
Developer: Stephen Dennis
0 stars award from

Virtual Appliances are nano-sized virtual machines with Web user interfaces for deploying instant infrastructure and applications.

The are Gentoo Linux based and optimized for use in VMware.

Summary Instructions for using the Base Virtual Appliance

Download the Virtual Appliance.
If you do not have VMware Player, Workstations, Server, GSX, or ESX, Download VMware Virtual Player or VMware Virtual Server and install it.
Unpack the Virtual Appliance zip or tar.bz2 file.
Use your VMWare product to open and run the VirtualAppliancesBase.vmx file
Observe your VMWare console. The Virtual Appliance IP address will be printed there.
Using your Web Browser, open the Virtual Appliance Management console at https://your_ipaddress:8000/
The Mangement console listens on port 8000 and uses https.
Login to the admin console. The factory username:password is admin:admin.
Change the admin password to something secret through Configuration|Authentication
Enter shared storage information in Configuration|Storage
Your shared storage files will now be available via the webserver on the Virtual Appliance at http://your_ipaddress

What's New in This Release:
This is a new Virtual Appliance featuring an instant PostgreSQL server and phpPgAdmin.
It is a fully self contained Virtual Appliance, only 14MB to download, and ready to use with no configuration.

Virtual Appliances Base 0.1.059 keywords