WMcp 1.2.8 review
DownloadWMcp is a simple dockable pager for use in Window Maker. Installation: Unzip the file: gunzip wmcp-1.2.8.tar.gz Untar the fi
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WMcp is a simple dockable pager for use in Window Maker.
Unzip the file: gunzip wmcp-1.2.8.tar.gz
Untar the file: tar xvf wmcp-1.2.8.tar
CD to src dir: cd wmcp-1.2.8
do one of these makes:
make -- make wmcp using the default button scheme (scalpel)
make scalpel -- make wmcp using the scalpel style button colors
make gv -- make wmcp using the ghostview style button colors
copy wmcp to some directory in your $PATH.
( ie: cp wmcp /usr/local/bin )
type wmcp
Grab the appicon and move it to the dock.
If make doesn't work, you may need to fiddle with the settings in the Makefile.
Tested on:
X Clients: Red Hat 5.0, Red Hat 6.0, HP-UX 10.20
X Servers: XFree86, Exceed, AccelX
usage: wmcp [-g geometry] [-d dpy] [-n workspaces] [-a alt key] [-v]
[-c] [-w i/n/w] [-s y/n] [-x #] [-y #] [-h]
-g geometry: ie: 64x64+10+10
-d dpy: Display. ie:
-n workspaces: How many buttons to start with.
-a alt key: integer 1-4 defining ModXMask (default 1 Mod1Mask).
-w i/n/w: Window State: Iconic, Normal, Withdrawn (default Withdrawn)
-s y/n: Shaped window: yes or no (default y)
-c Sends CTRL + ALT + Key (default only sends ALT + key)
-v Verbose. 0=off, 1=on (default 0)
-x # Number of buttons on the x-direction (1,2,3 or 4)
-y # Number of buttons in the y-direction (1,2,3 or 4)
-h Help. This screen.
Left mouse button:
Selects the workspace to switch to.
Right / Middle mouse buttons:
Change the number of buttons displayed.
WMcp 1.2.8 keywords