WMIface 0.1 review

by rbytes.net on

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 384K
Developer: Lubos Lunak
0 stars award from rbytes.net

WMIface is a KDE Window Manager DCOP Interface.

This KDED module allows DCOP scripting of the running window manager (usually KWin, but a separate module allows scripting any EWMH-compatible window manager that's running in KDE).

.Three examples:

Launch Konqueror showing http://kde.org, close it after 10 seconds

konqueror http://dot.kde.org --name dotkonqueror &
sleep 10
window=$(dcop kded wmiface findNormalWindows "" "dotkonqueror Konqueror" "" "" 0 false)
dcop kded wmiface closeWindow $window

Cycle virtual desktops slowly

while true; do
sleep 10
desktop=$(dcop kded wmiface currentDesktop)
total=$(dcop kded wmiface numberOfDesktops)
if test $desktop = $total; then
dcop kded wmiface setCurrentDesktop 1
dcop kded wmiface setCurrentDesktop $(( desktop + 1 ))

Minimize all KWrite windows

dcop kded wmiface findNormalWindows "" " Kwrite" "" "" 0 false |
while read ln; do
dcop kded wmiface minimize $ln

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