Wmtop 0.9.0 review

by rbytes.net on

Wmtop project is a Windowmaker dockapp that is a mini graphical version of the cpu monitoring utility top. To compile: Type 'ma

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 25K
Developer: Alan Swanson
0 stars award from rbytes.net

Wmtop project is a Windowmaker dockapp that is a mini graphical version of the cpu monitoring utility top.

To compile:

Type 'make linux' or 'make freebsd' depending on which operating system you
are using. (Type uname if you don't know :-)

To install:

If you are superuser type 'make install'


Invoke wmtop using the command 'wmtop'

Use -display and -geometry options in the usual way.

Use the command line option '-s < time in milliseconds >' to control the frequency of sampling of the processes and '-r < time in milliseconds >' to control how often the display is updated.

Use -U to watch only your own processes rather than all of them. While running, a middle mouse click changes between the display of user processes and all processes.

Use -x < regexp > to exclude processes whose name matches a given pattern from the list.

Use -m to display physical memory usage instead of CPU, but is currently only supported under Linux. While running, a left mouse click changes between cpu and memory display.

Use -c 'command' to have a command executed when you right click on wmtop. For example you could launch a window with the real 'top' command for a closer look at a rogue process.

Use -a < 1..X > to choose a theme for wmtop.


wmtop -U -x '^wm' -c "xterm -e top"

Means list my own processes that are not dockapps. Launch top on a right click.

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