YajHFC 0.2.7 review

by rbytes.net on

YajHFC (Yet Another Java Hylafax Client) is client for the HylaFAX fax server written completely in Java. YajHFC started out as a

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 353K
Developer: Jonas Wolz
0 stars award from rbytes.net

YajHFC (Yet Another Java Hylafax Client) is client for the HylaFAX fax server written completely in Java.

YajHFC started out as a kind of "exercise" in Java programming and is still in a beta state, but should be already quite useable.

Here are some key features of "YajHFC":
Faxing documents in Postscript or PDF format
Polling faxes
Support for generating cover pages from templates
Viewing sent and received faxes
Phone book
Visible table columns may be selected in a dialog
Supports two languages: English and German

A installed Java 5.0 JRE
A running hylafax server in your network (should be obvious)
A program to view faxes (optional, also see the FAQ)
A Postscript viewer (optional, e.g. Ghostview)

What's New in This Release:
A Spanish translation and an option to select the translation were added.
This release also includes some smaller bugfixes.

YajHFC 0.2.7 keywords